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Joe Dog Software

Proudly serving the Internets since 1999

Fido 1.1.2 Release

I like C. It’s probably my favorite language. Yeah, yeah, sure, it doesn’t have support for objects but that doesn’t mean you can’t write your own. Fido was written in C but it has an object-oriented architecture. This design makes it easy to debug memory problems and simple to re-use code. (I use the same hash table in all my projects.) So I like C but it also sucks. Version 1.1.1 of this application contains a bug that wouldn’t have compiled in other languages. C was all, “What? You want to do something stupid? Okay, fine.”

As a result, fido-1.1.1 doesn’t trigger an alert when a file reaches its target age while logging is turned on. All fido users should upgrade to fido-1.1.2.tar.gz


Siege 3.0.7 Release

Here’s the format for a location header,  Location: absolute_url

Unfortunately, many developers don’t care about standards and Internet Exploder is famous for letting them get away with it. When siege followed the letter of the law, I was inundated with bug reports that weren’t bugs at all. If siege is confused by Location: /haha that’s your developer’s problem, not mine. Against my better judgement and beginning with siege-3.0.6, I started constructing absolute_urls from relative paths. Unfortunately, my parser missed a usecase: localhost. Siege 3.0.6 will barf on this:

Location: http://localhost/haha_or_whatever

Technically, I didn’t miss localhost. If you look at url.c:459 you’ll see this:

// XXX: do I really need to test for localhost?

It didn’t occur to me that people would run siege on the same server as their webserver.  My bad. There are many tests besides load tests.

All siege users running version 3.0.6 should upgrade to siege-3.0.7.tar.gz