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Joe Dog Software

Proudly serving the Internets since 1999

up arrow Siege 3.1.1

Your JoeDog is about to violate the RFC.

It won’t be the first time. Beginning with siege-3.0.6, we normalized URLs inside a Location header even though the RFC is clear: IT MUST BE AN ABSOLUTE URI, people. Just about ever browser does this so who are we to buck the trend?

With siege-3.1.1, we will add URI fragments to the request and send them to the server. Under nearly all conditions, a client is not supposed to do this. But if you want to send fragments to the server, then who are we to turn down the volume on your Ramones?

Now as far as we can tell, most servers strip the URL fragment from the request. Yet a couple people have requested this feature and Facebook uses it ways we don’t understand so maybe it’s a Thing. Most browsers don’t send the fragment but javascript can.

It if proves problematic, we’ll make it an option. To avoid sending fragements, omit them from your URLs.

Starting with version 3.1.1, siege supports Server Name Indication. During the SSL handshake, it will send the name of the server with which it wants to connect. This means it supports virtual hosting of HTTPS servers.

Siege 3.1.1 also includes several minor bug fixes. See the ChangeLog for details.