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Joe Dog Software

Proudly serving the Internets since 1999

Siege and the Single Cookie

An emailer wondered if siege could be configured to refuse cookies. I had a vague recollection on the matter. My brain cells were all, “Yeah, sure, you can disable cookies.”

The best place to look for more esoteric features is inside $HOME/.siegerc If you don’t have one, you can generate a new one with this command: siege.config That command will place a new one inside your home directory. ‘siege.config’ is designed to build a resource file which is compatible with your version of the program.

I checked the latest version of that file and I found nothing to disable cookies. Really? That seems like a no-brainer. Why wouldn’t we allow users to disable that? “Sorry,” I replied. “Siege can’t disable cookies.”

Yet my own response was bothersome. I was certain you could turn that off so I checked the code with ‘egrep cooki *.c’ Sure enough, siege parses siegerc for ‘cookie’ which accepts true or false. The latter disables cookie support.

Documentation for this feature has been added to siege-3.0.1-beta4. The feature itself is available in just about every contemporary version of siege that’s floating around the Internets. Just add ‘cookies = false’ to your siegerc file to disable their support.

We’re Number One!

nixCraft selected siege as the Number One Greatest Open Source Terminal Application of 2012. We’re not sure what that means other than AWESOME! It’s been a long road to 2012 greatness. The project began in late 1999 and was released into the wild in early 2000. Since then, it has been developed shaped by countless people from all corners of the globe.

Even though siege is a very esoteric program, its source code is downloaded around 50,000 times a year. Binaries are distributed by most major Linux vendors.  One day  a co-worker wanted to run a test from a new server so he asked if I could get him some binaries. Before I could react to the request, he said, “Nevermind.” He ran ‘apt-get install siege’ and got it from the vendor. That was a pretty cool moment for reasons other than the fact that it saved me some work.

Let’s be clear. This isn’t my recognition. It’s our recognition. For twelve years siege has been a community project and its direction will continue to be shaped by the people who use it. “Now let’s eat a god damn snack.” — Rex Ryan to the siege community.

Concurrency and the Single Siege

We’re frequently asked about concurrency. When a siege is finished, one of its characteristics is “Concurrency” which is described with a decimal number. This stat is known to make eyebrows furl. People want to know, “What the hell does that mean?”

In computer science, concurrency is a trait of systems that handle two or more simultaneous processes. Those processes may be executed by multiple cores, processors or threads. From siege’s perspective, they may even be handled by separate nodes in a server cluster.

When the run is over, we try to infer how many processes, on average, were executed simultaneously the web server. The calculation is simple: total transactions divided by elapsed time. If we did 100 transactions in 10 seconds, then our concurrency was 10.00.

Bigger is not always better

Generally, web servers are prized for their ability to handle simultaneous connections. Maybe your benchmark run was 100 transactions in 10 seconds. Then you tuned your server and your final run was 100 transactions in five seconds. That is good. Concurrency rose as the elapsed time fell.

But sometimes high concurrency is a trait of a poorly functioning website. The longer it takes to process a transaction, the more likely they are to queue.  When the queue swells, concurrency rises. The reasons for this rise can vary. An obvious cause is load.  If a server has more connections than thread handlers, requests are going to queue. Another is competence – poorly written apps can take longer to complete then well-written ones.

We can illustrate this point with an obvious example. I ran siege against a two-node clustered website. My concurrency was 6.97. Then I took a node away and ran the same run against the same page. My concurrency rose to 18.33. At the same time, my elapsed time was extended 65%.

Sweeping conclusions

Concurrency must be evaluated in context. If it rises while the elapsed time falls, then that’s a Good Thing™. But if rises while the elapsed time increases, then Not So Much™. When you reach the point where concurrency rises and elapsed time is extended, then it might be time to consider more capacity.


HTTP Authentication

Some of you seem to confuse Basic authentication with form-based authentication. They’re not the same and the differences are important. If you don’t configure siege for the appropriate authentication method, it will be on the outside looking in at an HTTP-401.

Basic authentication occurs at the protocol level. It was originally described in HTTP/1.0 and later moved to RFC 2617. Basic authentication is a challenge/response framework. When the server receives a request for a protected resource, it challenges the user to authenticate himself. It will make the item available only after the user is autheticated.

Here’s an example exchange using basic.php from the html directory inside the siege source code:

GET /siege/basic.php HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
User-Agent: JoeDog/1.00 [en] (X11; I; Siege 2.71b6)
Connection: close
HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 13:09:53 GMT
Server: CERN/1.0A
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.5
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="siege_basic_auth"
Status: 401 Unauthorized
Content-Length: 178
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1251
GET /siege/basic.php HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic c2llZ2U6aGFoYQ==
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
User-Agent: JoeDog/1.00 [en] (X11; I; Siege 2.71b6)
Connection: close
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 13:09:53 GMT
Server: CERN/1.0A
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.5
Content-Length: 278
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1251

See what happened? Siege requested /siege/basic.php and the server was all “Whoa! I don’t know who you are.” It issued an HTTP 401 challenge to siege which responded by sending its username and password in BASE64 encryption: c2llZ2U6aGFoYQ==

In this example, I emulated HTTP Basic authentication with a php program. Typically, Basic auth is setup at the server level. Here’s an example in apache:

<Location "/siege">
   AuthType basic
   AuthName "siege_basic_auth"
   AuthBasicProvider file
   AuthUserFile /var/www/etc/passwd
   AuthGroupFile /var/www/etc/group
   Require valid-user
   Require group siege
   Satisfy All

To configure siege to use basic authetication, you need to add a login to your .siegerc file. Search the file for WWW-Authenticate. The directive is login and it takes three values separated by a colon. username:password:realm. Our basic.php username and password are ‘siege’ and ‘haha’. So our login looks like this:

login = siege:haha:siege_basic_auth

The third argument (realm) is optional. If you don’t specify a realm, siege will send ‘siege:haha’ every time it faces an HTTP basic challenge. By setting a realm, you can configure it to use multiple logins:

login = admin:secret:Administration
login = siege:haha:siege_basic_auth
login = root:d41ly:high_level

Now you can also restrict access programmatically. This is referred to as form-based authentication. In order to configure siege to login in this manner, you’ll need to reproduce a browser’s action.

To illustrate this, we’ve included login.php in the html directory of the siege source code. That page accepts both GET and POST requests. It produced an HTML form that looks like this:

<td>Username: </td><td>
<input type='text' name='username' value='' size='30'></td>
<td>Password: </td><td>
<input type='password' name='password' value='' size='30'></td>

To login to this form, you’ll need to provide field values that match the form. Your parameters must match the form input names. In this case it’s ‘username’ and ‘password’. POST username=siege&password=haha

If your entire site requires authentication you can add a login URL to your .siegerc file. If this value is set, siege will access that URL before it does anything. Search your .siegerc file for ‘login-url’. Here’s an example using one of the URLs we constructed above:

login-url = POST username=siege&password=haha

After it hits that URL, siege will start running through the list of URLs you created.

Happy hacking.