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Joe Dog Software

Proudly serving the Internets since 1999

A New Day Dawing

Your JoeDog updated this site today. What does that mean?

For the most part the site has the same look and feel it’s had since 2012. But underneath those changes, there are some technical improvements that will make our lives easier. We’re using a three-column layout from a template by Dynamic Drive. And we’re programming things in a more WordPressy fashion.

But here’s the biggest change: The comments are now managed by Disqus. Even though we changed the policy so that only pre-approved commenters could post, comment spammers were still hammering the site on a daily basis. These dicks are why we can’t have nice things.

Beware of the (Joe)Dog

Tom Wolfe tells us that “you can’t go home again.” It was a adage he stole from Ella Winter, the British activist. It’s certainly difficult for people like George Webber, the chief protagonist in the novel that made Wolfe’s phrase so famous. Webber infuriated his hometown with a novelistic depiction of them.

Yet the same is true for developers. You can’t go home again. It’s hard to look at old code. It makes us cringe; it can make us blush. “Why the hell did I write it like that?” If you’re not embarrassed by old code, then you haven’t learned anything in years.  The same is true for old websites: Beware of the Dog (2001).


A sh script INI parser

An INI file provides an old-timey way to configure applications. On MSDOS and early versions of Windows, it was the primary configuration mechanism. (Sadly, it’s been mostly replaced by the stupid registry.) Fortunately, INI files are still around because they remain very useful. On Linux, many developers have adapted the format.

Years ago Your JoeDog wrote an INI parser in sh. This enabled him to use one config file across multiple SAP landscapes. Each section of the file, is headed by the landscape name: [D] [Q] [P] etc. A script’s configuration varied depending on which landscape it was launched in. This enabled us to test on one landscape and promote the script without any changes to the next one.

Recently a colleague needed this type of one-with-many configuration. She needed to loop through a list of servers and reference their many attributes. Your JoeDog dusted off this parser for her and now he’s passing it along to you.

Consider this INI file:

# The parser supports comments
 srv =
 usr = jdfulmer
 file = haha.txt
 path = /usr/local/content/www
 srv =
 usr = jeff
 file = papa.txt
 path = /usr/local/content/ftp

Now here’s a script that contains our parser along with an example of how to use it:

## Parses an INI style file:
## [section]
## attr=thing
## key=val
## [header]
## thing=another
## foo=bar
## <p>
## @param file full path to the INI file
## @param section a header that matches the stuff in brackets [section]
## @return void (the variables are made available to your script)
ini_parser() {
 eval $(sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*/=/g' 
 -e 's/[;#].*$//' 
 -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' 
 -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' 
 -e "s/^(.*)=([^"']*)$/1="2"/" 
 < $FILE 
 | sed -n -e "/^[$SECTION]/I,/^s*[/{/^[^;].*=.*/p;}")
# A sections array that we'll loop through
for SEC in $SECTIONS; do
 ini_parser "papa.conf" $SEC
 echo "scp $file $usr@$srv:$path/$file"

Now let’s run this script and see what happens:

Pom $ sh papa
scp haha.txt [email protected]:/usr/local/content/www/haha.txt
scp papa.txt [email protected]:/usr/local/content/ftp/papa.txt


Have you ever wanted to initialize a java ArrayList to a certain size? You peruse the javadoc and you see what appear to be two different options, one is a constructor option and the other is a chained method.

Here’s the constructor:

ArrayList (int initialCapacity)

Constructs an empty list with the specified initial capacity.

And here’s the method:

void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity)

Increases the capacity of this ArrayList instance, if necessary, to ensure that it can hold at least the number of elements specified by the minimum capacity argument.

And here’s the thing: Neither one changes the logical size of the array. They each change its capacity. That is they change the size it can reach before it has to start copying its values to resize itself. If you do something like the following, you’ll get an IndexOutOfBounds Exception:

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add(190, "JoeDog");

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException

If you want to initialize an ArrayList to a particular size, you’ll have to roll your own method:

 private static void ensureSize(ArrayList<?> list, int size) {
   while (list.size() < size) {

You can call it like this:

ArrayList<Thing> list = new ArrayList<Thing>();
ensureSize(list, 64);


Nerd Splaining Large Numbers

Holy shit — the Economist really outdid itself. What now? In this post, they explained why Gangnam Style will break YouTube’s view counter. They used 3726 characters and 612 words to explain that computer integers don’t go on forever. When the Gangnam Style counter reaches 2,147,483,647 it will stop counting. Why?

Integers are stored in a series of ones and zeroes. On a 32-bit platform, you can only store value in 32 consecutive ones or zeros. Go to this binary to decimal calculator and put 32 ones in the binary field. Press “Calculate” and you’ll get this answer: 4294967295.

But the Gangnam Style counter is maxed at half of that? How come? That’s because computers use positive and negative numbers. The range falls above and below zero, i.e., from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Gangnam Style is approaching the upper bound.

If YouTube switched to 64-bit architecture they could capture up to 9 quintilian views.

Remember kids, there are 10 kinds of people in this world. Those who understand binary numbers and those who don’t.

[Economist: Wordy Word Words on Computer Integers]


In Praise of Default Values

Your JoeDog likes options. He feels that if a program takes a variable value, that value should be configuarable. A programmer can spend a great deal of time selecting the perfect socket timeout, but unless the user works in the same environment it’s not necessarily perfect for them.

On the occasions when Your JoeDog uses Windows, he finds himself struggling to make the software do his bidding. It takes time to add another text field to a Windows GUI, so developers tend to limit the number of configurable options.

At the same time, he hates complicated software. You shouldn’t need a computer science PhD in order to configure scheduling software. Yet it’s impossible to use Tivoli’s workload scheduler and not feel completely overwhelmed. It can take days to set up.

These notions don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Software can be extremely flexible and simple to use. Your JoeDog achieves this notion in his own software with a novel concept known as the “default value.” If you don’t set a value, you get the default. If you require more precision, you can change those settings.

Generally speaking, software users don’t care about every configurable value. They have a subset of values they want to change. If everything has a default that doesn’t need to be set for the software to function, then the documentation becomes less overwhelming. If all you want to do is change one setting, then you can search the docs for just that configuration.

Your JoeDog does enough GUI programming that he can speak to the notion he mentioned above. It takes time to add labels and text fields to a program. Those GUI elements also take valuable screen real estate. As a result, many programmers limit the flexibility of their programs.

Here’s a thought: why not make the program configurable with a combination of a GUI and a configuration file? You can place the frequently changed stuff inside the GUI and the more obscure features inside the file. Trust me, the users who really want to change something will discover how to do that if you let them.

Keep it simple but make it flexible and your users will be appreciative … until you blog about it.



AI Reporting

Your JoeDog is a Big Fan of artificial intelligence. His pinochle game represents one foray into the field. The computer bids based on its results experience. Your JoeDog can’t predict how it will bid a particular hand. It looks for experiences that resemble its current hand and it bids accordingly. Unfortunately, it still plays programmatically. As such, it can never be better than this nerd-blogger.

CBS Sports and Yahoo are doing interesting things with AI. Their fantasy football sites use artificial intelligence to summarize millions of games each week. The software analyzes lots of data and composes articles much like a human reporter. They only fail the Turing Test due to a contemplation of scale: A rational person soon realizes there aren’t enough humans on earth to produce that many articles by Tuesday morning.

There’s a more personal reason why Your JoeDog likes these cyber reporters: they think highly of his coaching skill:

Tonzie Crushers benefited from smart coaching this week. Coach Fulmer left Chris Johnson and Justin Hunter on the bench in favor of Frank Gore and Robert Woods, who were both expected to score less.

These great decisions boosted Tonzie Crushers’ final score by 22.1 points, which just made the final result that much more embarrassing. Putting Gore in the staring lineup also gained more points than any other coaching move this week, making it the Volkswagen Start of the Week.

Well this week. Last week they thought he was a moran


Check Your Inputs: SQL Injection Edition

Here’s a question which tends to make Your JoeDog cringe: “So, what do you do?”

It’s often asked when he has a drink in his hand. And when he has a drink in hand, he doesn’t want to talk about work. Sometimes the inquiring person hears the answer, parses “computers” and wants to know why their laptop is slow. Honestly, Your JoeDog has no idea. Occasionally, he meets another nerd who wants to talk shop.

Recently he met a web nerd, the kind of web nerd who suffers from illusory superiority because he lacks the skill to recognize his ineptitude. These guys often contain a conspiratorial streak. This guy was no exception. The conversation soon shifted to hacking and web security.

Web Nerd puked a word salad of vulnerabilities but his beloved PHP was exonerated. “You can’t inject SQL because the mysql libs don’t allow multiple statements,” he said.

Couple points. 1.) the PHP mysql_ functions are deprecated. Astute JoeDog readers use PDO or MySQLi. 2.) You can still do injection as long as you keep it in a single statement.

Let’s try that after the jump!

Continue reading Check Your Inputs: SQL Injection Edition

Memory Leaks

Your JoeDog loves C but he hates memory management. That’s why he writes objects in C. They make managing memory easier. Still, he’s been know to cause a memory leak or two … okay, maybe a few more than that.

Valgrind is supposed to help identify those fsckers. You run a program inside valgrind and it checks your memory utilization. Awesome! Except when it’s not.

Your JoeDog has had zero point zero luck with valgrind. He’s been working on a snippet that will be incorporated into Your Fido. Your JoeDog loves snippets. By reducing complexity they allow him to focus on the integrity of the new code. In this particular snippet, he placed the new functionality inside a loop to check its long-running performance. The damn thing leaked!

“How did you know it was leaking?”

“I watched its memory usage in top and it continued to expand.”

“Well that sucks.”


So Your JoeDog ran the program in valgrind like this:

valgrind -v --leak-check=full --tool=memcheck ./haha

After it completed its iterations, valgrind had this to say:

==21112== HEAP SUMMARY:
==21112== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==21112== total heap usage: 0 allocs, 0 frees, 0 bytes allocated
==21112== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible

What the hell? This thing was leaking all over the place. Now Your JoeDog may have done something stupid. Instead of memory leaks, he might have created memory hogs. “What are memory hogs?” They are allocated resources that are no longer used but with references that are still maintained. Valgrind won’t identify a memory hog as a memory leak. But this was a snippet and an audit was easy. There were no hogs; something was leaking.

After an extensive audit, Your JoeDog identified the leak. It wasn’t in the snippet. He was using a dynamic array from array.c Here’s the offending code:

array_destroy(ARRAY this) 
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < this->length; i++) {
  this = NULL;
  return this; 

Your JoeDog freed everything but the array object itself. Here’s the fix:

array_destroy(ARRAY this) 
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < this->length; i++) {
  this = NULL;
  return this; 

It’s not clear why valgrind didn’t identify that. Any thoughts?


So Are You Vulnerable To Shell-shock?

Here’s a quick command line test to see if you’re vulnerable to shell-shock, the bash vulnerability that everyone — I mean everyone — is talking about:

$ env x='() { :;}; echo 1. env' bash -c "echo 2. bash"

If your bash is vulnerable, it will execute the echo command inside the environment, if it’s not vulnerable, then it will only execute the stuff after -c

A vulnerable system prints this:

$ env x='() { :;}; echo 1. env' bash -c "echo 2. bash"
1. env
2. bash

A non-vulnerable system prints this:

$ env x='() { :;}; echo 1. env' bash -c "echo 2. bash"
2. bash

On the vulnerable system, the echo command that is set in the environment is executed by bash when the shell is invoked:

env x='() { :;}; echo 1. env' bash -c "echo 2. bash"

The stuff in red should NOT be executed. That’s a bug; it needs to be fixed.

NOTE: The second command was run on the server that hosts this blog entry. You guys can quit trying, mmmkay?