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Joe Dog Software

Proudly serving the Internets since 1999

up arrow An Old Dog Learns A New Trick

Beginning with versionĀ 3.0.6-beta2, siege reacts differently to –reps=once.

In the past, when you invoked –reps=once, each siege user would invoke each URL in the file exactly one time. If urls.txt contained 100 files and you ran -c10 –reps=once, siege would finish its business with 1000 hits.

That was then.

This is now: siege runs each URL in the file exactly once. If you run -c10 –reps=once, then siege will split the file among all 10 users and hit each URL one time. Whereas in the past, you’d finish with 1000 hits, you now finish with 100 hits.

This should give you greater control by making tests more precise.