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Joe Dog Software

Proudly serving the Internets since 1999

Hope And Change: Nerdblog Edition

Your JoeDog read that women marry a man hoping he’ll change. Men, on the other hand, hope she’ll remain the same. He’s also noticed that most of the denizens on this nerdblog are men. They don’t like change! Well change is coming.

No, we’re not taking art classes with young guys named Pierre.

Your JoeDog is ditching cvs for git. This is a good thing. He’s using which means the repository will be available to you.

Unfortunately, the history is not. Your JoeDog tried and tried to port the history to git. He used all the tools, followed all the instructions and posted all the errors into the Google machine. Apparently his cvs repository is — how does he say this? — fscked up. It doesn’t seem fscked up but the Internets have spoken.

The commit history is important. A few years ago Your JoeDog was contacted by a heroic Patent Fighter. Some douche wanted to patent a rudimentary coding technique and Our Patent Fighter was searching for original art, stuff that was published before Patent Douche came up with his “orginal idea.” I believe that idea was, “I can’t believe nobody’s thought to patent this yet!”

Well sir, Your JoeDog was able to provide detailed publishing dates which were used as original art. Patent Douche was defeated and it was happy nice time for everyone but Patent Douche.

The point is, kids, don’t smoke cigarettes. Also, we’re moving the source to

UPDATE: Siege was added to; same deal, no history. You can check it out of version control with the following command:

git clone


[Trending: JoeDog’s source repository]


All Aboard….

Your JoeDog is coding on the train right now. What’s he coding? He’s adding recursive directory searches to fido.



High Tech Depression

The Atlantic has an interesting article about depression and anxiety in the tech industry.

Yet certain elements of startup life and culture may make people particularly susceptible to depression. Stress, uncertainty, youth and isolation—the virtual cornerstones of today’s startup—have all been shown to increase likelihood of developing the disorder.Irregular work hours and constant high stress levels can lead to both social isolation and sleep disturbances, which can aggravate depression and make people even more volatile.It’s almost a perfect storm, says Maurice Ohayon, a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine. “Any psychiatrist can tell you that this population is particularly exposed,” he told me.

Most founders operate under a huge amount of pressure. They are responsible for employees, shareholders, and maintaining company morale, mostly before reaching the age of 30. And especially in the early stages of running a startup, they shoulder that burden mostly alone.

[Atlantic: Tech Has a Depression Problem]



A Lock Picking Tool For Sidewinder Locks


When Your JoeDog lived in Manhattan his car had traditional locks. Thieves frequently jimmied those locks and took whatever they could find inside the vehicle. One morning before work, he was seen carrying a new battery down Second Avenue after his was stolen the night before.

He finally solved this problem in 1993 by installing a red light below the dash. The light didn’t do anything other than illuminate but thieves figured Your JoeDog had a fancy pants alarm and moved on to the next car.

In 1998, Volkswagen introduced sidewinder keys to thwart lock jimmiers. These keys had a flat metal blade with a wavy groove down the center. They had an identical cut on the reverse so the key could be inserted either way. They were also known as internal cut or laser cut keys.

Starting in October 2000, Volkswagen added a transponder chip for additional security. This type of key is now found on a wide array of vehicles.

The video at the top of this post is generating a stir. It features a lock picking tool for sidewinder locks. After a little fiddling inside the enclosure, the tumblers seem to adjust to the tool and the door opens for the intruder. He’s able to turn the ignition with even less effort. Fortunately, the car doesn’t start. It’s probably looking for a signal from the transponder chip.

So while your car may remain in its parking spot, as Your JoeDog can attest, once thieves gain entry they can wreck your entire morning. A battery gets pretty heavy after just one block. Imagine lugging one for seven more….

[Digg: If You Live In Bangkok Here’s How Your Car Will Get Stolen]

Happy Internet Slowdown Day!

ajax-loaderYou may see a few more “Loading…” images today. Several prominent companies are participating in Internet Slowdown Day. While they’re not actually throttling their sites, they are featuring those images in order to make a point: without net neutrality, much of the Internets could slow to a crawl.

The demonstration is part of a larger effort to persuade the FCC to enact stronger protections for net neutrality. Some Internet Service Providers would like to create “Fast lanes” in which websites can pay for higher priority and faster traffic. Sites that don’t pay the premium will perform poorer than those that do.  It may surprise you to learn that Your JoeDog doesn’t have pockets as deep as Microsoft. In a fast-lane universe, his site will resemble a sleeping tortoise.

Thus far, more than a million comments were submitted to the FCC. The vast majority of them support net neutrality. You still have time to add your voice. Comments are open until September 15th.



Fido 1.1.2 Release

I like C. It’s probably my favorite language. Yeah, yeah, sure, it doesn’t have support for objects but that doesn’t mean you can’t write your own. Fido was written in C but it has an object-oriented architecture. This design makes it easy to debug memory problems and simple to re-use code. (I use the same hash table in all my projects.) So I like C but it also sucks. Version 1.1.1 of this application contains a bug that wouldn’t have compiled in other languages. C was all, “What? You want to do something stupid? Okay, fine.”

As a result, fido-1.1.1 doesn’t trigger an alert when a file reaches its target age while logging is turned on. All fido users should upgrade to fido-1.1.2.tar.gz


US Sperm and World Reports

Here’s something you may not know: The United States is the world export leader of human sperm. It’s true! Our neighbors to the north — what are you guys called again: Canada? — are net importers. And now you know….

(I kid you, Canada. I love you like the cranky neighbor upstairs who’s always stomping on my ceiling just as the party gets going….)

Quick Trivia

Q: Who are the highest paid employees on the Pentagon budget?
A: The football coaches at Army, Navy and Air Force.